[dunno who is the "pk" tat suggested this kind of activitiy..jk nia..]
okok...It's actually a very good activitiy for us to jogging at lake side early in the morning to take in fresh air..^^
9 of us this time--> Peijiun, wilson, robert, wanting, bing yao, moi, jizz , chong soon and kheen yew..
After the jogging session, we all heading to market to take our breakfast^^
BY ng + pei jiun...looks cool when eating...^^
Mummy calling me during my breakfast asking me going to my aunty hse wor..doing wat?
haha...mum say she got bring durian for me..woohoo~~
Mummy calling me during my breakfast asking me going to my aunty hse wor..doing wat?
haha...mum say she got bring durian for me..woohoo~~
yeah~~ its durian seasons now..weewee~~ i m a 100% durian liker i can eat many many durian but when i m eating others thing for example for dinar, i cnat even add another bowl of rice and my dad always complaint tat i m eating like a kitty cos i eat very less for my dinar..
[ ala ala, i noe la..still looks fat rite?]
My parents come over to KL today just to visit my cousin who stay at UM Hospital cos of some accident. Hope he wil get well very very soon...
And of cos my mum bring some durian for me too..woohoo~
she noe i like it so so much tats y bring it for me..
[of cos not only me lor, for my aunty and uncle oso lar..]
Y my mum got those durian?
cos my hse got some durian plantation lor..
my grand grandpa plant it wan I think..wah~~ so old d lor..aha..dunno la, i just guessing..hihi
me and my sista finish a tupperware of durians..omg~~ ireally cant tahan the nice smell of durian..omgosh~~ i really fall in love with it edi..haha..
I got bring back some durian for my frens de...they all really very excited for the durian..only..just for the durian only i m pretty sure...All my best frens just came over to eat durians de..haha.. they just went back only^^
hope u all really enjoy those durians although not really sufficient u..hihi..
p.s: Last nite sleep at 3 then this morning wake up at 7..my body feel damn gao tired now..haih..but i hav to rush for my PAM form assignment pulak..WTh~~
i shld start now if not cant sleep on 3 oso...^^ but luckily my class will only start at 12pm tomoro...^^
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